Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Life as I see it

OK so this morning I was really ticked at a guy I have to do a lot of work for. Mostly I have to do work for him because he is a pain in the butt!! So this morning I found myself asking, "Why should I give a rat's patootie". What the heck is a rats patootie? I mean I have said a lot of odd thing inmy life, most notably a comment about my being a blow fish to an ex-boyfriend!! But what on earth an I doing using the word Patootie, mush less rat's patootie?!?!?! I told Dawn that I believed I had let my membership to the Bad girls Club lapse, and apperently it is non renewable after that. I am just going to have to by a hundai and settle in to Soccer Mom Status after this little slip!!!


Meg said...

miss-- I thought that you were tenured into the bad girls / scary ladies club a LONG LONG time ago-- I think that you may have to pay a fine for this one-- but if it saying pattootee keeps you employeed do it.


Andrew said...

Missy- You're my favorite BAD Girl for life- nobody will every take that away from you.