Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Is Comming

So this past Saturday I took Joey to Downtown Chicago. We went to see the magic window at Marshal Fields, yes FDawn I know it is so wrong because it will be Macy's soon, I did not enter the store because I value my pocket book too much. We also checked out this cute German village they have set up in the Daley Plaza. Joey got a wooden frog that sounds like a frog when you run the stick over it's back. Unfortunatly we ran into a friend of my Aunt Carole's and she was so happy to see us, I have no clue who she is!!! It was rather embaressing because I just kept saying yes mama, no mama. I as so bad with names!!! Well TTFN Hope you are all having a great Holiday season.


the muse said...

It's OK to go this year since it's still Marshall Field's. Even if I am boycotting them. Evil wankers. (Not that I'm upset or anything.) Glad you and Joey had a good time!

Andrew said...

Macy's has already invaded Ohio- and taken over all our malls and stores too.
Miss ya babe-