Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tree Killer


I got to saw down a tree in my yard that keeps dropping mullberry's for my son to walk in. I am so tired of wiping up red foot prints in the summer. It still has some branches, just not right over the walkway. I also planted some flowers and went on a cleaning spree in the bedroom. I think I am ready for spring to, well, um, spring!!!!

At a later date I am going to put in something I need some advice on, but not quite yet. I need to think on it a bit more.

Have a great Easter Weekend Everyone!!!!

Love You All.


Andrew said...

In my opinion if you have planted flowers then you have made up for cutting down the tree!
Happy Easter

the muse said...

Tree-killer!! I am so going to sic my brother on you for that. Just wait til you get that 30+ minute lecture on how hard it is to grow trees. Seriously.

Hurray for planting flowers! Has Joey trampled them yet? I hope not.

Looking forward to seeing you on Easter!

Love ya!!