Monday, April 24, 2006

No More Boy Toy

Not that he was much of a boy, but Dave and I are splits. The best thing I can say about the relationship is that it showed me that I really would like a "Real" relationship, one where it is actually going somewhere. I'm so tired of bad boys, but when I totally went for the ultimate good boy, it was so darn boring I thought I would cry sometimes. There so has to be some sort of happy medium. Well that is about all that is new on the horizon. If anyone knows someone looking for an obnoxious woman with an adorable kid let me know, I might try for the who enchilada!!!


the muse said...

Chickie, I am sad to hear that it's splitsville for you and the boy toy. But I am also proud of you for realizing that you deserve to be treated better. Hang in there and know I'm here for you - even if all you need is someone to tell you bad jokes! (Do you know what the four worst things about being an egg are?)

Love ya!!

Andrew said...

we can go manhunting together