Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Again with the bad Blogger!

Sorry peoples! I am a bad, bad blogger. The worst part is I just got set up on another blogging site because a friend was going out of the country and he said it was the best way to keep in touch with him. Lately my life has been kind of caotic anyway. Joey started Kindergarten on 7/17/07, he was the ring bearer in my cousins wedding on 7/21/07 his B-Day was 7/24/07 Dad went into the Hospital on 7/16/07 and I founf out I was being laid off as of 10/19/07. I have been very, very busy. Not to mention a missed Court date on 7/19/07. That is causing some major issues, let me tell you. I will try and be back sooner all!!

Love Ya'll!!!!